1-866-61 HEALTH (866-614-3258) | Hello@Exemplary.Health

Lower Costs | Improved Quality Metrics |
Exemplary Customer Experience |
National Provider Network

Impact of Rising Healthcare CosTS
National health spending increased from 5.2% in 1960 to 17.9% of U.S. GDP in 2019. Employers faced with unaffordable premiums are either forced to reduce coverage or forgo offering insurance benefits altogether. One option available to employers for lowering health insurance costs is to switch from a traditional fully insured plan to a self-funded health plan.
The Exemplary Health Solution
Exemplary Health offers an innovative fully integrated health plan to self-funded employers
14% to 21% cost savings
Improved measurable quality metrics
Complete Cost Transparency
National Level Provider Network
Exemplary Consumer Experience

Exemplary Health
Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM)
With its unique alignment & innovative pharmacy benefit delivery, our PBM offers
70,000 pharmacies nationwide
Flexible claims platform
100% Transparent & Pass-Through
Use of Blockchain technology
Lower cost & improved health outcomes